Month czerwiec 2016

UEFA EURO 2016: Poland vs. Portugal predicting result

During previous football tournaments octopus, elephant, kangaroo and other nice animals were predicted the results of games. It is time for unique dog named Sunny who is might not a huge football fan but we hope she is/will be a… Continue Reading →

Dogtrekking – Trzebnica 18.06.2016

Third in 2016 dogtrekking competition of Polish Cup and first time in Trzebnica, Lower Silesia was held 18th of June. Two tracks (small and medium and no long this time) for participants around Bukowy Forest, Taczów Mały, Taczów Wielki, Brochocin… Continue Reading →

Good Beer Festival 2016

Good Beer Festival is a biggest beer festival in Poland. Look at the numbers of 7th edition: 124 craft breweries, around 400 different beers from taps and 800 different bottled beers from Poland, Czech Republic, Norway, Germany, etc. There are… Continue Reading →

Punx Piknik 2016

Video report from Punx Piknik 2016 from dogs poin of view. Punx Piknik is regular event on Wrocław’s map. 3 days in pleasant, relaxed atmosphere with a lot of punk music, good vege/vegan food and many attractions, like competitions in… Continue Reading →

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